Jeremy Selier

Chrome Extension - Google Wave Checker

Sorry French folks, this post is currently only in English.

After seeing the post from Chad who created a Firefox add-on to check for new Waves in Google Wave. I decided to create one for Google Chrome as well. I started from the Gmail Checker extension and one regexp later, I had my Google Wave Checker extension!

Google Wave Extension for Chrome

The screenshot has been update with latest version.

Currently, to run this extension, you need a recent trunk build or the Chrome dev channel release. A check is done every minute. If you're not logged in Google Wave, it will prompt you to login and redirect you to the classic Google Wave site in order for you to login.

Or go directly to the gallery by clicking here.

It was so easy to code that I decided to share it with you! Ping me in comments or on twitter if you need help in anyway.

Update 1.3: The Google Wave Team asked me to set the refresh time to 30 minutes. Wave is in preview, and I don't want this extension to add a bad user-experience to this preview by requesting too much Google's Wave servers. So I updated my extension. You have nothing to do if you have already downloaded this extension, the Chrome Auto Update magic should do the update without bothering you.

Update 1.4: The extension is now a browser action extension (see screenshot below for a preview. If you already have the extension, Chrome should update automatically, if not you can re download it from the button above. Next will be to add an option page to be able to customize the refresh time and to works with Google Apps accounts.

Update 2.0: The extension has now an options page to let you set up the refresh rate and configure the extension to use your Google Apps account for Wave. Also if you've already click on the extension to open Wave, a new click on the extension will re open the same Wave page. The extension is now called Google Wave Notifier

Update 2.2: The extension now allows you to :

  • See unread waves without opening Wave in a popup.
  • Access to a specific wave directly from the popup of the extension.
  • Choose icons you want to see from different sets of icons.
  • Specify your preferred refresh rate.
  • Specify your Google Apps domain if you're using Wave with Google Apps.
  • Open Google Wave with navigation, contacts and search box hidden if you want.

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